Header redirection in php create problems much time
I have experienced many times problem with header so I'm not using anymore header('Location: xyz.php') instead, I'm using javascript's javascript code.
some header used code like:
$query=$db_con->query("insert into tbl_contact(name,mobile)values('mak','+22823782388')");if($query){
if (isset($_POST['contact_id'])){
header('Location: xyz.php');
echo 'message';
You no need to using ob_start(); and ob_end_flush();
header('Location: xyz.php');
some other solution :
1. Check your redirect page name
2. Use exit(); after header.
3. Clear whitespaces
4. ob_start();
But you should use javascript code that is definitely working
echo "";
$query=$db_con->query("insert into tbl_contact(name,mobile)values('mak','+22823782388')");
echo "";